
Dubai World Trade Centre Masterplan

A revitalised city precinct centred on green spaces. Bringing Dubai closer to achieving 30% urban tree canopy coverage.

Trees create shade and define the edges of outdoor rooms along the green spine. These spaces house all kinds of events that make for a vibrant inner-city community. 

The NatureCulture team working alongside architects and transport engineers transforms the heart of the city from grey to green. 

The green spaces create new opportunities for cafes with vibrant outdoor seating areas overlooking parks shaded by large and healthy urban trees. 

Project Owner

Dubai World Trade Centre


Dubai, United Arab Emirates 25.2187054, 55.2853703

Land Area

23.5 ha (60 acre)

NatureCulture Role

Landscape Architect, Urban Forester

NatureCulture Team

Reynaldo Casin, Meilina Chuah, Kaya Cui Xian Zi, Rodel Demafelis, Kerry Ann Goddard, Balamurugan Gopal, Bernard Hequilan, Santhosh John, Justin Kalinowski, Montarat Kasemsuvan, Harish Kumar, Jeffrey Allen Kurtz, Leo Adrian Namuco, Gerraween Ann Paz, Miguelito Pegi, Lejumon Rajanibhavan, Cassandra Rose, Andre Paul Saladaga, Sunil Samuel, Ian Sandigan, Pierre Smit, Govindan Sukumaran, Laith Wark, Leon Zaayman

Partners & Collaborators

Hopkins Architects, WSP