Consider—designing urban thermal comfort with landscape. Yes, that’s right. With our ethos of designing for experience, urban thermal comfort is central to our landscape approach.
NatureCulture’s unique approach to urban thermal comfort means that we use quantitative data to design landscapes that actively reduce heat stress and enhance usability, with every intervention measured for real-world performance. Our thermal comfort analysis directly informs landscape design, ensuring outdoor spaces remain comfortable by integrating shading, planting, and material selection to mitigate heat and improve usability. This targeted process quantifies how landscape interventions improve comfort levels.
Our studies are conducted according to user types, considering both passersby and those who stay for longer periods. We identify key locations for detailed thermal simulations, focusing on two distinct but equally important areas: cooling for transportation—reducing heat along pedestrian circulation routes, and cooling for recreation—enhancing comfort in spaces where people gather and linger.
We define and design to meet recommended comfort levels, enhancing microclimates through strategic planting, shading, and materials. Landscape designers work closely with simulation specialists, integrating performance-based strategies to create outdoor spaces that are visually compelling and thermally optimized for real-world use.