Landscape Architecture
- Landscape Design: Tailored outdoor spaces blending aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability.
- Existing Landscape Assessment: Identification of opportunities for enhancement, restoration, or redesign.
- Verified Photo Montage: Accurate visualisations integrating design concepts with site photography.
Soil Science and Irrigation
- Site Soil Survey and Assessment: Analysis of soil conditions to inform design decisions.
- Bespoke Soil Specifications: Customised soil mixes for specific vegetation and project goals.
- Irrigation Design: Efficient irrigation systems optimising water use.
- Irrigation Audits: Evaluation of existing irrigation systems for improvements.
- Reed Bed Wastewater Treatment Design: Natural wastewater treatment systems using reed beds.
Marketing and Communication
- Marketing and Communication Packages: Strategic communication materials for promoting projects.
Urban Forestry
- Continued Care Manuals: Comprehensive guides for landscape maintenance and performance longevity.
- Urban Forestry Policy Writing: Policies guiding urban forestry initiatives.
- 3-30-300 Assessment: Framework for healthier urban living with tree coverage and green space.
- Tree Cities of the World Application Writing and Support: Assistance in applying for “Tree Cities of the World” recognition.
- Urban Tree Inventories: Documentation and evaluation of urban tree populations.
- Community Forest Building: Community engagement in creating and caring for forests.
- Urban Forest Strategies: Long-term plans for establishing and maintaining urban forests.
- Urban Canopy Coverage Assessment: Measurement and evaluation of tree canopy coverage for urban cooling and biodiversity.
- Miyawaki Pocket Forest: Dense, biodiverse mini-forests using the Miyawaki method.
- Tree Retrofit Studies: Adaptation and integration of existing trees in urban spaces.
- Urban Thermal Comfort Modelling: Assessment tools for improving outdoor comfort through shading, ventilation, and materials.